Innocent Spouse Relief

Many married taxpayers file a joint tax return because of the benefits this filing status provides. Unfortunately, joint filing also involves some risk. If you filed a joint return with your spouse or former spouse, you may be held liable for unpaid taxes, interest, and penalties, even if it was your spouse who had the income and/or claimed improper deductions or credits. This situation can arise even if a divorce decree states that your spouse will be responsible for any amounts due on previously filed joint returns. If the IRS is holding you responsible for your spouse’s or former spouse’s fraud or negligence, we can help. Our experienced representatives will quickly determine if you qualify for tax relief, and then negotiate with the IRS for the outcome most favorable to you.

There are three types of relief available for innocent spouses.

  1. Innocent Spouse Relief: By requesting innocent spouse relief, you may be relieved of any responsibility for paying tax, interest and penalties that resulted from your spouse doing something wrong on your joint tax return.
  2. Separation of Liability Relief: Under this type of relief, you divide the additional tax owed from your joint return, plus penalties and interest, between you and your spouse (or former spouse).
  3. Equitable Relief: If you do not qualify for innocent spouse relief or separation of liability, you may still be relieved of responsibility for tax, interest, and penalties through equitable relief.

    Don’t be the victim of someone else’s mistakes or dishonesty. Contact us today to see if you qualify for Innocent Spouse Relief or other IRS tax relief programs.